### sub merge-hashes

sub merge-hashes(
) returns Hash

Merge any number of Hashes together.

class *@hashes

Any number of Hashes to merge together.

### sub merge-hash

sub merge-hash(
    Bool:D :$deep = Bool::True,
    Bool:D :$positional-append = Bool::True
) returns Hash

Merge two hashes together.

class %first

The original Hash to merge the second Hash into.

class %second

The second hash, which will be merged into the first Hash.

class Bool:D :$deep = Bool::True

Boolean to set whether Associative objects should be merged on their own. When set to False, Associative objects in %second will overwrite those from %first.

class Bool:D :$positional-append = Bool::True

Boolean to set whether Positional objects should be appended. When set to False, Positional objects in %second will overwrite those from %first.