# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

depend() {
	 need net
	 use dns

start() {
	if ! [ -d "${RBOTDIR}" ]; then
		eerror "The path you specified (${RBOTDIR}) is not a directory."
		eerror "Please set RBOTDIR variable in /etc/conf.d/${SVCNAME}"
		eerror "to a proper value for an rbot base directory."
		return 1

	if ! [ -f "${RBOTDIR}/conf.yaml" ]; then
		eerror "You didn't configure rbot yet. Please configure rbot by running"
		eerror "	rbot ${RBOTDIR}"
		eerror "at least once."
		return 1

        if ! [ -x "${RBOTRUBY}" ]; then
		eerror "The configured Ruby interpreter for rbot is not an executable."
		eerror "Use \`eselect ruby' to set a default interpreter or adapt the"
		eerror "RBOTRUBY variable in /etc/conf.d/${SVCNAME}."
		return 1

	export USER="${RBOTUSER%%:*}"
	export HOME="/dev/null"
	ebegin "Starting rbot"
	start-stop-daemon \
		--start \
		--exec "${RBOTRUBY}" --name "$(basename ${RBOTRUBY})" \
		--pidfile "${RBOTDIR}/rbot.pid" \
		--chuid "${RBOTUSER}" \
		-- /usr/bin/rbot --background "${RBOTDIR}"
	eend $?

stop() {
	ebegin "Stopping rbot"
	start-stop-daemon --stop \
		--exec "${RBOTRUBY}" \
		--pidfile "${RBOTDIR}/rbot.pid" \
		--user "${RBOTUSER%%:*}"
	eend $?

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